Source code for openlr_dereferencer.decoding.line_decoding

"Contains the decoding logic for line location"

from typing import List, Optional
from openlr import LineLocationReference, LocationReferencePoint
from ..maps import MapReader
from import DecoderObserver
from .candidates import nominate_candidates, match_tail
from .line_location import build_line_location, LineLocation
from .routes import Route
from .configuration import Config

[docs]def dereference_path( lrps: List[LocationReferencePoint], reader: MapReader, config: Config, observer: Optional[DecoderObserver] ) -> List[Route]: "Decode the location reference path, without considering any offsets" first_lrp = lrps[0] first_candidates = list(nominate_candidates(first_lrp, reader, config, False)) if observer is not None: observer.on_candidates_found(first_lrp, first_candidates) linelocationpath = match_tail(first_lrp, first_candidates, lrps[1:], reader, config, observer) return linelocationpath
[docs]def decode_line(reference: LineLocationReference, reader: MapReader, config: Config, observer: Optional[DecoderObserver]) -> LineLocation: """Decodes an openLR line location reference Candidates are searched in a radius of `radius` meters around an LRP.""" parts = dereference_path(reference.points, reader, config, observer) return build_line_location(parts, reference)